Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chapter 19: Persuading Readers to Act


This chapter goes over writing an essay on persuading readers to act. Your goal is to urge readers to change their behavior or take action on an issue, change mind of those who disagree with you, and encourage those who do agree with you.

Keys to success

· Know your audience. Motivate resistant readers, know who they are, and consider their knowledge of the topic.

· Promote your cause—not a quarrel. Know your subject and study it from all sides.

· Be reasonable. Make logical claims, test them, and review your thinking.

Topics to consider: personal experience, personal ideas, community concerns, national and international affairs, and “no comment” topics.

Guidelines for writing an essay on persuading readers to act

1. Select a topic. Issues that you are passionate about and that you see a need for change.

2. Choose and analyze your audience. Think about who your readers are.

3. Narrow your purpose and determine your purpose. Consider what you can achieve, should you focus on all or one issue, and what you can change.

4. Generate ideas and support. Set up “opposing views” columns, construct a dialog between two people, talk to others about the issue, research issue, and consider what outcome or results you want.

5. Organize your thinking. Make sharp claims about the issue and generate an outline or graphic organizer.

6. Write first draft.

a. Opening: get readers attention, raise the issue, and state your claim.

b. Development: follow outline and decide where you want to put your most persuasive supporting argument.

c. Closing: restate your claim, summarize your support and encourage your readers to take action.

7. Share your essay. Have a peer reviewer try out your thinking and persuasive appeal, and to see if your argument is convincing.

8. Revise your writing. Does your argument flow effectively, is the evidence credible and persuasive, does examples help readers understand and identify with cause, and is voice fitting.

9. Edit and proofread.

10. Prepare and publish your final essay.

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